Mindful Musings

Contemplations Through a Mindfulness Lens

Choosing Our Response

Choosing Our Response

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." This quote is from a man, Viktor E. Frankl, who was imprisoned and lost his entire family in Auschwitz concentration...

The voice in your head

The voice in your head

Let's face it, the one person you spend the most time with in your life is...you. That means the one you listen to the most is...YOU. Whether or not you're aware of it, and whether or not you do it aloud, we all talk to ourselves. In good times and bad, we all do it....

Take in the Good

Take in the Good

Take in the good. Every day, we easily notice things to be stressed, worried, or upset about. That's part of negativity bias, which has helped us survive and evolve as a species. So it can be harder to notice the good things in our everyday experience...but we can...

Reframing Stress

Reframing Stress

Anyone feel stressed these days? I ask, but of course already know the answer. This week, I challenge you to reframe stress. Sometimes, we overuse the word. Now, I'm not talking about toxic positivity or trying to minimize real stressors. But there are times when we...


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